An independent organisational review for the UNCAC Coalition

The Problem

The global anti-corruption network, the UNCAC Coalition, needed a review of their global programme of work which sought to help civil society organisations become involved in United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), funded by NORAD. The assessment needed to be independent, reliable and participatory to understand what aspects of their work had been most successful, and what aspects of their work could be improved upon for future.

The Solution

We developed a mixed method research approach involving desk-top literature review, quantitative online surveys of programme beneficiaries, in-depth interviews with key project staff, stakeholders and beneficiaries, and focus groups. Three case studies were identified highlighting key programme impacts, which were selected using a Most Significant Change approach. The evaluation utilised OCED DAC criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability, as well as reviewing the ‘programme design and management’ and the ‘added value’. It gave strategic and operational recommendations to improve future programming. More information can be found here.


UNODC Support to Civil Society in Africa


Evaluation UNODC