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The Platform for Dialogue Project in Bangladesh

The Problem

The British Council has been undertaking a social accountability project across selected regions in Bangladesh, funded by the European Union. The project sought to increase the capacity of local grassroots civil society organisations so that they could engage with policy makers at the national and local levels. The project also sought to deliver trainings for national policy makers on key social accountability tools. The British Council needed expert quality oversight of the end of project evaluation. They subsequently needed support in developing and implementing a monitoring and evaluation system for the new phase of the project.

The Solution

Coralie travelled to Bangladesh to undertake focus groups in local communities where the project had been implemented and interviews with key stakeholders. We then developed a revised end of project evaluation survey to better assess changes in attitudes and behaviours of the local community, and engaged stakeholders over the course of the project. We provided quality oversight of a community survey and in-depth interviews, and gave recommendations for a revised research approach which was safe to conduct during the COVID-19 pandemic. We developed a new Logframe and Theory of Change for the new phase of the programme, and gave recommendations on a revised MEL approach.


Evaluation UNODC